Everyone understood what the manager promoter did for the Beatles; Brian Epstein. The Stones; Bill Graham.

Summer of 1986 after My 2nd Journey To LA with Kix; road crew this time March…I started at Douglas April 21st 1986…

Ronnie called in September or so and said band was in LA to write songs, for new record. Turned out to be (1988 release Blow My Fuse), and invited me to dinner; so it turned out to be. We went to hotel to write songs and we penned my title to the team effort. I told them Piece of the Pie. Steve got write at it with Donnie me and Ronnie….iF Only I could be…

The Could Be List...

Donnie told me if I had $250,000 I Could Be in charge… anyway more to come they say at the commercial break….

Twisted Sister; Mark Puma, Joe Gerber. Joe once told me In England we call you a Punter, had to think now…think do not react…

Mark, please call I need an agent New Novel by Neil coming soon…stay in tune

Kix; Charlie Starr; “Who is he, I want to meet him” Steve used to say on stage… Mighty Mouth first song at Moose Park, 12th June 1982.

LA Raiders vs Washington Redskins game 1988 LA Coliseum
Photo of 4 Brothers 2004
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